This is a (quickly) budding protest movement and the snowball has only just been let loose down the hill.
In the few days since our journey began, we've already seen exponential growth in interest and the team of core contributers is growing each and every day. We are still in the early stages of performing outreach and charting the course ahead, yet significant progress has already been made.
We will be releaseing flyers in the coming days if not hours, and if you would like to join the many who have already committed to posting flyers in their neighbourhood/city, please fill out the volunteer form in the footer of this site indicating such.
We're also urgently looking for on-the-ground leaders and organizers for all major cities in Canada, so if you would like to volunteer in that capacity please check the appropriate box in the volunteer form.
Those of us who are part of the team are committed to this cause and seeing these protests through no matter if there's a hundred of us or a million of us, however we already see signs that this is going to be big. Spread the word, share on social media and volunteer to help out if you can.
Vive le Canada.